About Us. Now and Then.
Two-Fisted Birdwatcher started in 2009. Its goal was to debunk old-fashioned stereotypes about bird watching and birders. This is explained in detail on our home page.
Over time, the writing accumulated quickly. Posts, stories and articles were added often. In a few years, what started as a blog became an online magazine.
And its point seems to have been made, its voice joining with others delivering the same message: Bird watching is an action-oriented worldwide activity involving pretty cool people.
It is, in fact, “two-fisted.” Those words describe ruggedness, and also the way you hold binoculars in your mitts.
The pace of adding new items slowed. After all, enough words accumulated here in four or five years to make a doorstop-sized book if they were assembled into pages.
So toward the end of 2015 we took a hike. Appropriate enough for the birdwatchers we are. Which meant we stopped adding to the site. We got quiet and stayed that way. Again, good technique for a birdwatcher. But in 2023 we came back.
We put a new post in “Daily Sightings” called “It ain’t what it used to be.” An appropriately titled rant, rife with double meaning as is sometimes our style. But mainly, it represented our comeback. The hike, the “hiatus,” was over.
If you’re new to our site, we welcome you, and invite you to explore the old as well as the new. There’s a lot to discover, just as there’s a lot to discover when you hike into a piece of wild country with woods, meadows and waterways.
You’ll find birds. We hope you’ll also find entertainment. And stuff to think about.
Everyone who works on Two-Fisted Birdwatcher thanks you for visiting, once before and now again. We wish you good birding and good reading.
Two-Fisted Birdwatcher Staff