The migration ain’t what it used to be. But then, what is?
Well, let’s try to keep this on track at least for a bit. Migration. Yeah, today on a cold November morning north of Chicago there were geese in the sky. For a moment, it all seemed to make sense.
But then the geese didn’t keep on keep’n on in their southward vee-formation. They nose-dived into a McDonalds parking lot where they seemed to prefer waddling on cold pavement, pecking at hoped-for French fries, who knows?
What we DO know, is that many migratory birds that used to define the seasons are falling down on that job. Geese and some ducks, too, now commonly stay through our modern winters. Yeah, yeah, global warming, climate change, heard it all. We’ve written about it. Right here on this site.
Speaking about that, and about how things “ain’t being what they used to be,” new writing here is also a change in the action. We haven’t put a post on this website for more than eight years. But we’re planning to stop sitting on our hands, stop doing other things, stop the freakin’ “hiatus” and get back to two-fisted birdwatching. And two-fisting writing.
This post is the first of that comeback. Glad you’re reading it!
Stay with us, and we’ll pick up where we left off. You don’t have to have been here all those years ago as a reader. Just having you here today is great! We’re pleased to meet up with you. And hope we’ll connect again soon. Watch for updates on Facebook and Instagram. Things ain’t what they used to be, and we’re trying to catch up. Meanwhile, enjoy the those geese waddling through winter in a birdland that just ain’t what it used to be.
Thanks, Susie. Good to hear from you. Even if you did mention Instagram (which we’re on…albeit in a two-fisted way).
Glad to have you tuning, in, Suzie.
Everything “ain’t what it used to be.” You can come at this damn observation by bird watching, two-fisted or not, or you can come at it by realizing that you somehow mentioned Instagram in your post! And that means you sure “Ain’t what you used to be.” But life and birds fly by, and I guess we all gotta deal with that fact. Main thing, if your hitatus is really over, gotta say, welcome back two-fist. Keep the attitude that keeps us tuning in, and bird stories coming.